> > Thoughts: Travel Updates

Thoughts: Travel Updates

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011 | No Comments

     I have been busy the past two weeks; worse, I am busier now.  So, I have not made a new post regarding my Taiwan trip last April.  Neither have I updated my blog with new travel stories.  I have been to Baguio and Subic in May and to Tagaytay the past weekend.  I have a couple of photos I would want to share  about the places I've been to; I just don't know when will I get the time to do all these.  Oh well.

     For heads up, we stayed at the Manor in Camp John Hay and had a zipline experience inside the Camp.  I visited again the Zoobic Safari during a very stormy weekend in May.  And I've been to Tagaytay Highlands,and the Memory Lane just yesterday.  Photos and stories to follow.

     Till then! 

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