> > Thoughts: 20,000 Page Views! Thank you so Much, Readers, Guests and Followers!

Thoughts: 20,000 Page Views! Thank you so Much, Readers, Guests and Followers!

Posted on Friday, June 24, 2011 | No Comments

     OMG!  I can't believe that there are people who actually visit my blog and read my entries!  Who knew that having 20,000 page views could make me happy?

     I didn't put up a travel blog for anything else other than make it a repository of my travel adventures and of course, to help people plan their own Asian journeys.  But really, I am quite honored to know that there are people out there who visit my blog, and perhaps, read my entries.  Even if you just stumbled upon my blog by mistake, I'm still so grateful.  And I'm even happier whenever someone leaves me a comment or two.

     I would like to thank my readers and visitors from the Philippines, especially the members of PinoyExchange.com, the United States, Malaysia and Singapore, the top four countries from where my readers and visitors hail from.  Of course, my heartfelt gratitude goes out as well to all my audience from around the globe.  Thank you very much! 

     Finally, I hope that my blog is able to somehow help  my fellow travellers with my more-often-than-not boring and lengthy posts.  I am trying my best to post my travel adventures as often as I could, with better photos and stories to tell. Please bear with me when I write down the details too much, for any grammatical mistakes (I'm lazy about editing) and when I don't make sense at all.  I'll try to change for the better, or so I hope.

     Again, thank you very much! 


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