> > Thoughts: So Busy! Plus, Planning for a New Trip

Thoughts: So Busy! Plus, Planning for a New Trip

Posted on Thursday, June 23, 2011 | No Comments

     I've been so busy the past few weeks.  I had one too many "rush" papers that I successfully managed to finish; and I got great compliments from the boss for a "finely written" job (the boss' words, not mine).  Yay!  However, I'd still be busy next week considering that I'd be leaving for Singapore.  So I need to wrap up my work before heading off for a vacation.

     Anyway, I've been updating my Tripadvisor contributions because I was sent an email by Tripadvisor telling me that I'm just 5 reviews away from earning a green-with-yellow-badge. As I wasn't able to update my Tripadvisor account since November 2010, I made reviews for the hotels I stayed at and the attractions I've been to in Beijing, Ho Chi Minh City and Taipei.  I could add a few more, but I'm still trying to find the energy to do so.  Besides, I still need to update my blog trip report about Taiwan, and I am not even halfway through.

     Despite my quite busy life lately, I still have the audacity to conjure up a plan to go to Shanghai, China, in early December or late November of this year.  I am really, really hoping to visit Japan in November but I think I would not have enough savings to pay for a Japan travel.  I mean, we all know that the standard of living in Japan is high, so the transportation and accommodations are relatively expensive as well.  And, if I'll be visiting Japan, I'd make sure that I'll stay there for at least 7 days, or a few more.  I'd love to travel to Hiroshima, Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo and a slew of other places as well.  So, I need a lots of money.

     Anyway, Shanghai?  Why not?  Well, I've been meaning to go to, and I've watched Shanghai Sweethearts (Show Luo and Yang Cheng Lin) and Tsuki no Koibito (Kimura Takuya and Lin Chi Ling) last year.  Besides, there's a lot of shopping to do there.  Plus, I've read that there are great places some 2 or less than 2 hours away from Shanghai, like Hangzhou and its West Lake, and Suzhou, the Venice of the East, with its classical gardens and canals.  These places are so rich in history and I'd very much love to walk along the banks of the West Lake and the canals and be amazed at the beauty that inspired scholars and artisans alike.  Just thinking about the classical gardens makes me want to go there as soon as possible.  Ah, I want to see such beauty in my own eyes.

     What am I doing daydreaming?  Well, I have not made plans for our Singapore and Malacca trip and yet I'm planning a too-distant trip.  Oh, well.   

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