New Year's Travel Resolutions
Posted on Friday, December 31, 2010
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Every year, Filipinos make a list of their New Year's Resolutions. It's fun, really, but it doesn't mean that everything, or perhaps, even anything, on that list will be undertaken. Oh well, I guess I wouldn't lose anything if I make one for myself, right? Considering this is a travel blog, I might as well write down my new year's resolutions pertinent to traveling, right?
Here it goes:
- Go to JAPAN in the fall.
2. Stay at a hostel or budget inn.
3. Celebrate Christmas or New Year in another country.
4. Go to Boracay and use my all-expenses paid raffle prize [I already bought a bathing suit].
5. Go to Singapore during the Singapore Sale.
6. Finish articles about my past travel experiences to Singapore, Bangkok and Malaysia before the first week of February.
7. Buy a new luggage set.
8. Try to minimize my foreign travels into 2 trips this year [but then again I won't be able to fulfill my other resolutions].
9. Travel alone.
10. Don't buy unnecessary things so I could use my money for traveling instead [this year, I bought a laptop even though I already have one; I bought set of jewelry and I bought a Bulgari and Prada specs (my eyesight's really poor) and a few branded shades. Yup, I always end up wasting money.
Stock photo courtesy of City of Blackbirds