> | > Cebu Pacific's Seat Sale to Beijing, Brunei and Jakarta [From 28 Dec 2010 until seats lasts]

Cebu Pacific's Seat Sale to Beijing, Brunei and Jakarta [From 28 Dec 2010 until seats lasts]

Posted on Monday, December 27, 2010 | No Comments

CEB offers year-end sale for Beijing, Brunei, Jakarta, and Zamboanga

Hurry while surprise lasts! Grab our low seat sale fares before the New Year for flights to Beijing, Brunei, Jakarta, and Zamboanga! This seat sale starts now until December 30, 2010 or until seats last.

It's fun to end 2010 with great deals for you, grab P888 ‘Go Lite’ fares for our Manila-Beijing flights, or as low as P1,499 to Brunei, or avail of P1,999 seats to Jakarta for travel starting February 1 to April 30, 2011!

Get our 'Go Lite' special offer of P999 from Manila to Zamboanga for travel starting January 5 to February 28, 2011.

You can expect that Cebu Pacific (CEB) will continue to offer the lowest fares in 2011 as we take delivery of more brand-new Airbus aircraft to service existing and new destinations. 2010 has been a very good year for CEB and we want to share this with you so that you can enjoy exploring new places and visit families and friends this coming Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day. For booking and inquiries, log on to www.cebupacificair.com!

     I was about to sleep when I received this email from Cebu Pacific stating that there's a very cheap seat sale to Beijing, China, and other destinations for travel between 01 February to 30 April 2010.  And it's really dirt cheap, like Php 2,500+ round trip, although you may have to stay for 6D5N [one-way is Php 988.00; Go-lite is Php 888.00], but I've seen sale seats for their Thursday out-bound and Monday in-bound flights [3D2N].  I've already made a mock booking for the latter part of February (24 Feb to 28 Feb), and I am so tempted to buy a ticket and relive the wonder that is Beijing, although I don't know what will I do in 6 days, again.  I mean, it's costly to stay at a hotel for six days, alone.  But I'm close to buying tickets now...Must restrain myself.  [Edited to add: I almost clicked the confirmation button after I entered my passenger details.  Must endure.  Must remember that I want to go to Japan next year...]

     Do check it out before those prized seats get snagged!

     Happy travel planning!

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