> | > Thoughts: History Channel Asia's IRT Deadliest Roads - The Himalayas

Thoughts: History Channel Asia's IRT Deadliest Roads - The Himalayas

Posted on Saturday, September 10, 2011 | No Comments

     I've been watching this show since it premiered in Asia the last week of July 2011.  The show is about three north American truckers who were tasked to drive through one of the toughest and most dangerous roads in the world: the Himalayas.  The truckers were given tasks that they should complete within a given time frame.  All I can say is that this show is batshit crazy!

     Well, let's just say that the show knows best how to make the viewers feel queasy.  Imagine driving a truck on a narrow mountain ledge and the camera shots will just let you show how close the wheels are to the edge...They don't just stop there.  There are camera shots of landslides, water slides, snow slides, and even actual real-time disasters.

     Anyway, the show, as stated, was filmed at the Himalayas in India.  And here are some facts about the roads three brave truckers had to face which I screengrabbed from History Channel Asia's website:

     The truckers, Lisa, Dave and Rick, each driving a Tata truck made of a wooden frame, comparable to the Philippine jeepneys in terms of garish accessories, colorful exterior complete with sayings and words of blessings, were on a mission to complete delivery of goods and materials on places accessible only by these dangerous roads.  The truckers each have a spotter, or a driver's aide, to guide them while driving.  In the Philippines, spotters are called pahinante.  The trucker's loads for delivery include tons of construction materials and at one time, a Hindu deity.

     Aside from the dangerous roads high above sea level, the drivers have to contend with the elements: heat, snow and rains and the environment.  Plus, they must learn to adapt to the Indian way of (right-hand) driving: very, very aggressive with almost no regard for traffic rules or road  courtesy.  The north American drivers are accustomed to orderly and safe driving, and thus, they get bullied a lot on India's roads.  Filipino drivers, on the other hand, would fit easily in India.

     The show is not only informative but it also takes the viewers to remote places in the Himalayas and a glimpse of life along and off the roads.  Its a must see.

     IRT Deadliest Roads: The Himalayas is shown every Thursday at 10:00 p.m. (new episodes) with a replay of the previous week's episode at 9:00 p.m.
 One of the roads cut-out  from a  solid block of  mountain rock.  Far right, middle.

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