Thoughts: Ways to Help the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Operations
Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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I have always admired Japan. It is the one country that I truly wanted to visit because of its history, its people and its culture. In fact, I've been wanting to apply for a Japanese scholarship for years because I really want to immerse myself in the Japanese culture which I find fascinating. Since I have not set out applying for a scholarship, I've been aiming to visit Japan since last year. I wanted to go and see the sakura this year but I deferred my plans for fall to see the foliage. Despite the recent triple woes faced by Japan, the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, I still want to go to Japan. I will probably push through with my fall travel plans if God allows it.
Perhaps, I am indebted to the Japanese people because they offered so much in terms of technology, films, anime, manga, toys and hobbies, scientific breakthroughs, scholarships, relief aid to those in need, among others. I want to help them somehow, in some little ways that I can. Well, helping their economy bounce back is one. I love Japanese products, and I patronize their cosmetics, health and beauty items, especially Shiseido's Tsubaki shampoo and conditioner, and DHC. I also love buying their manga and those cute plushies, and of course, Hello Kitty. I think, I can also help traveling to Japan when most people would dare not to, although it's still more than half a year away, in the fall, and by that time, Japan will probably be on track in its recovery. But I am also aware that Japan needs our help right now where it matters the most. So, I donated to the Japan Red Cross via Google - Japan Crisis Center today. While it may be a minuscule amount, it was sincerely given and with prayers, too. I know people have already made their contributions in any way they can and if you want to help, here are some ways to do it:
1. Google Japan Crisis Response -
If you have a Google account, you can donate to the Japanese Red Cross, Unicef, Save the Children and International Medical Corps.
2. For more information on where to go on Twitter to donate or get information, in Japanese and in English, visit -
3. For more information on donating to the Red Cross on Facebook -
4. Philippine Red Cross -
5. Yahoo has linked websites where you can make donations -
It includes the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Global Giving and Shelterbox, among others.
These are only some of the organizations which set-up donations for Japan. Even if Japan may be a prosperous, first world country with the 3rd largest economy, the magnanimity of the destruction and loss of lives caused by the earthquake and tsunami cannot be undermined. I hope we can all send a prayer or two, or perhaps, some aid to those afflicted by the earthquake and tsunami.