> > Thoughts - Happy Chinese New Year and An Earth Sheep's Travel Prospects in the Metal Year of the Rabbit

Thoughts - Happy Chinese New Year and An Earth Sheep's Travel Prospects in the Metal Year of the Rabbit

Posted on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | No Comments

     It's officially the year of the Metal Rabbit!  I'm excited because I'm a Sheep who's friends with the Rabbit and the Pig.  Though the Pig is said to be the luckiest this year, being friends with both the Rabbit and the Pig should probably bring me some good luck, right?  Yeah.

     So, what does this year holds for me as far as traveling is concerned?  According to this site, leisurely travel is good for this year; self-indulgence rules -

The Rabbit is also very much about good taste and refinement. That said, self-indulgence is another Rabbit theme. By all means go to the theater, spend time at the spa and patronize those great restaurants you love. On the other hand, be careful about not overdoing it. And you can bet the Rabbit will put lots of temptation in front of you.

This is especially true if you belong to the Rabbit’s group, that is, if your sign is Rabbit, Sheep or Pig. These, however, are the people most likely to have a great year. If you are one of these signs, make an extra effort to follow your dreams, seize opportunities, and enjoy the moment. Other signs with excellent prospects this year include the Ox, Tiger, Snake, and Dog. Those that might want to hold back a bit include the Rat, Horse, Monkey, and Rooster.
What to do in a peaceful year? Education, for one. Leisurely travel is encouraged. Pursuing your hobbies is a very Rabbit thing to do and will bring you many happy moments.

And this site, too, tells itt'a a good year to travel, and settle down -

Sheep persons share in their family’s good fortune and enjoy opportunities for travel.  Many celebrations and festivities keep the social Sheep person in high spirits and good health, providing the chance to meet influential people.  Watch your possessions in public arenas.  The Sheep’s career and wealth are stable and supported by noble people.  2011 is a good year for Sheep persons to get married.

      So, will I meet yet another future husband abroad?  Hmm...

     Well, I've read that I shouldn't squander money this year, but I've already booked 3 flights: to Vietnam, Taiwan and Singapore.  But travel is encouraged, so...Heehee.

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