> | > History Channel's Hidden City: First Epidode - Beijing

History Channel's Hidden City: First Epidode - Beijing

Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2010 | No Comments

N.B. I live-blogged the episode HERE.

     The only channel I like in our cable provider is the History Channel.  And, just imagine my jubilation when I saw an advertisement for their new show, The Hidden City, to be aired today at 10:00 p.m. (GMT +8).  The show will feature Beijing in China, Penang, Ipoh and Kedang in Malaysia, Java in Indonesia and Taiwan in four different episodes.

     This is the show's synopsis culled from the show's official site, http://hiddencities.historyasia.com/ -

      In and around Asia's most bustling cities lay hidden worlds filled with forgotten palaces and temples, abandoned towns and disused underground fortresses that shelter unbelievable relics and untold stories.

     With the help of local experts that will include writers, historians, archaeologists and scientists, presenter Anthony Morse attempts to investigate and unearth these places, and reveal the tales they have hidden for so long.

     Over four episodes, Anthony will travel to Beijing in China, the northwest states of Penang, Ipoh and Kedah in Malaysia, Java in Indonesia and to the island of Taiwan.

      For their premiere episode today, host Anthony Morse will commence his journey in Beijing, China, coincidentally the city we're going to visit next month.  I can't wait to see the places Anthony will explore, and most probably, if it's not in our itinerary, then, we'll just have to include those places.

     Also, the show would also feature Taiwan, one of my favorite places to visit.

     The host also has a blog on his adventures in Asia's hidden cities.  Do check it out, very informative and entertaining.

     As for me, I'll definitely watch the show for my Beijing travel research.  And, they have a contest where you could win a camcorder, a dslr or a trip to one of the featured cities.

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