> | > Hong Kong Adventure: Day 3 - City Tour from the Avenue of Stars to Aberdeen

Hong Kong Adventure: Day 3 - City Tour from the Avenue of Stars to Aberdeen

Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2010 | No Comments

     This is the day we'd waited for, a tour in Shenzhen, China!  Yipee!  But first things first. We had a morning city tour of Hong Kong and this was the second time I joined this tour.  It was a repeat of last year's tour, but one stop was new: picture-taking at the tail-end of the Avenue of Stars, or something.  As always, I was not paying attention to our tour guide when he spoke about the place.  Heehee.  Nonetheless, we had a very picturesque view of the harbor bathed in mid-morning light.  However, the dark, ominous clouds were foreboding; I thought it was going to rain but the temperature remained hot.

     We proceeded to Aberdeen pier, and we had the option to ride a boat going around the harbor to see sampans floating, but the fare was relatively high.  We just took pictures around and the colorful boat stations were striking.  I was thirsty and I saw a vending machine but dang it, it only accepts coins, which I didn't have at the time.

      Of course, we were shuffled to a jewelry factory.  The tour was non-compulsory, so the agency had to make some money, right?  Well, it'll not take long, around 30 minutes,  if no one from your group window shops or panic buys.

     Then, off we go to Hung Hom Station, gateway to Shenzhen, China!  The tour guide led us to the station, bought our one-way ticket to the Lowu border costing HKD 33.00 per person.  The guide made sure we were safely through the turnstiles before bidding us adieu.  And we hopped on to the train!

     Up next, Shenzhen, China adventures!

Credits:  I used the Painterly Effect 2 for the texture in "Postcard perfect memories."  Most webframes on this blog were from The Coffeeshop Blog.

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