> | | | > Mini Light & Sound Show of Akha Hilltribe In Thailand

Mini Light & Sound Show of Akha Hilltribe In Thailand

Posted on Monday, February 23, 2009 | No Comments

Dates: 28 February 2009, 28 March 2009 and 25 April 2009

Venue: Chiang Rai Province

Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Chiang Rai Office, with the cooperation of the Chiang Rai Social Development Center, will present a series of mini light and sound shows called "The Akha: People of the Hills" at the Chiang Rai Social Development Center, Mae Chan district, Chiang Rai province.

"The Akha: People of the Hills" mini light and sound show has been shown every year since 1999. The schedules of the performance are as follows: 28 February 2009, 28 March 2009 and 25 April 2009. Ticket prices are 150 baht and 300 baht including a meal.

The show presents the way of life and culture of the Akha, one of the hilltribes that live in the north of Thailand. The performers are the hilltribe people who live at the Chiang Rai Social Development Center. The show helps to earn more funds to support the activities of the center and to conserve the way of life of the hilltribe people.

For more information, please contact :
TAT Chiang Rai Office
0 5374 4674-75, 0 5371 7433

Ticket booking:
Chiang Rai Social Development Centre
0 5391 4471, 08 6913 8937

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